Commitment to ESG and Best Practices
At Jaguar, our goal is to invest in a prudent and responsible manner and to create and preserve value for our investors. Toward that end, we believe it is important to both seek to achieve returns for our investors and to do so in the right way.
In striving to fulfill our goal, we are committed to upholding high standards of integrity and international best business practices. We recognize the benefits of following good environmental, social and corporate governance (“ESG”) policies, and believe that sound ESG principles and practices are consistent with—and supportive of—the business, financial and other objectives that we must take into consideration in managing our business.
The ESG program constitutes an integral element of the investment decision-making process for our Funds and it is reviewed and updated regularly. We have a qualified environmental and social officer who implements, administers and supervises the policies and procedures in Jaguar’s ESG program.
We review and make recommendations to the ESG programs of each of our portfolio companies in an effort to further and bolster best practices.